Dreams of the Last Butterflies is a live-action ‘dark faerie tale’ short film with an urgent environmental message. A tale about the loss of butterflies in our world, and why they are disappearing, as told by the last Butterfly Queens themselves.
Funded in part with a successful Kickstarter crowdsourcing campaign, Dreams of the Last Butterflies combines otherworldly costumes, epic faerie-tale poetry, cutting-edge cinematography, and a new song by electronic artist Kai Altair. The film features stunning performances by tribal bellydancers, ballerinas, fire masters, contortionists, and a cast of New York City’s underground stars. Each Butterfly Queen represents an endangered butterfly from around the world, and together they enter human dreams hoping to save the last of their kind.
Facing habitat loss, pollution and pesticides, invasive species and increasing temperatures, the real butterflies of this world are quickly disappearing. Dreams of the Last Butterflies tells their side of the story. Not only to bring awareness of the mostly man-made dangers that threaten these amazing beings of transformation, but to show that we are capable of transformation as well.
The filmmakers are proud to partner with groundbreaking conservation organization, SavingSpecies, headed by world-renown conservation biologist Stuart Pimm. Dreams of the Last Butterflies is a certified carbon-neutral film.
“Dreams of the Last Butterflies is a stunningly beautiful essay: like all Nature, butterflies are lovely, yet so very fragile. Our protection of them against greed is a matter of what future we gift to our children.” – Stuart L. Pimm – World leader in the study of present day extinctions; Doris Duke Chair of Conservation Ecology at Duke University.